Website Areas
The new website has three areas – the Main section, the Gallery and the Forums
- The Main section contains updates about the Squadron and the Association and links to stories, Squadron history and previous newsletters
- In the Gallery are all the photographs, divided into albums – you can view the photographs, comment on them, run a slideshow, and even upload your own photographs
- The Forums are the place to leave questions and reply to other members’ queries
Logging In
- When you log into the Main section you are also automatically logged into the Gallery and the Forums
Usernames and Passwords
- If you do not have a username and password, go to the Register page and complete the form. A username and password will be emailed to you by the webmaster (please be patient – he’s not always at the computer!)
- If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Lost your password?” link on the Login screen, fill in your username and e-mail address, and your password will be e-mailed to you
- If you’ve forgotten your username you can use the form on the Contact FourFax page and the webmaster will send you a reminder
- If you’ve forgotten your e-mail address…
Your Profile
- Once you’ve logged in you’ll be taken to a Dashboard screen
- Here, by selecting Profile, you can amend your personal details, such as your e-mail address and password, and write posts for submission to the website
- New posts will not be published until the webmaster has had an opportunity to review them
The Gallery
- The Gallery is organised into albums, such as “Harrier GR7”, “Hunter Days”, and “1912-39”
- An album is recognisable by the spiral ring binder in the left-hand side
- Clicking on an album shows you the photographs in that album
- Underneath each album and photograph is an “action” menu – here you can choose to leave a comment, run a slideshow, and in the Members’ Upload album, upload your own photographs
- If you don’t see an “action” menu it’s because you haven’t logged into the website – return to the Main section and log in
Scanning Photographs
- Scan at a resolution of no more than 150 dpi
- Scale the pictures to something like 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 pixels
- Save them in JPEG format with a .jpg extension
- Upload to the Gallery (see below), or e-mail to the webmaster (see Contact FourFax page)
- Remember to include details such as the photographer’s name, where the pictures were taken, who’s in them etc.
Uploading Photographs to the Gallery
The Forums
- To return to the main Fourfax page from the Forums, click on the Return to FourFax website link at the bottom of the page
RSS Feeds
- The site has RSS feeds for the Main section posts and comments
- RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it allows other programs to see when a website has been updated
- On the Mac, Safari supports RSS and NetNewsWire is a full-blown RSS reader
- On the PC, Abilon, RSSOwl and Active Web Reader all score highly on
- Scroll down to the bottom of the sidebar on the Main section to see the links to the RSS feeds
Website Doesn’t Look Right?
- You’re probably using Internet Explorer as your browser. It isn’t very standard nowadays and many sites do not display in IE the way their designers intended
- The best thing to do is download FireFox
- It’s a great browser, it’s a free download and it’s available for Mac and PC
Contact FourFax
- To contact one of the committee members or the webmaster, please go to the Contact FourFax page
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