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Hawk T2

Hawk T2

Summer arrives at IV Sqn just in time for Night flying. The unusually pleasant weather on Anglesey has led to a very productive couple of months for IV Sqn. This has meant we have been able to catch up on some of the student flying, which was almost stopped during bolthole. All this flying has caused the Creamies to build up a bit of a thirst and motivated them to rejuvenate the Squadron bar (renamed “Bar de la Creme”). Clarky and Bassy have managed to create a very popular little venture which is policed by Lynchy, his already badly scarred face is enough to scare off any would be trouble maker. The new bar was put through its paces when one of our resident USMC pilots invited his previous Squadron over and we were immersed in Ooh Rah’s and very tight haircuts for a couple of successful days building relations/spinning dits.

It has been a very busy month for both flying and social events. There has been several Officers’ Mess Dinners including Battle of Britain, Halloween, Station Commander’s Dining Out and for the Royal Navy cadre, Taranto night at RAF Cranwell. Bassy has managed to hold his head high after a couple of these events so well done Bassy. Halloween was a fancy dress dinner and there was a great effort put in by all to make it a good night.

On the departure front, we have lost Gibbo, who returns to the mighty Tornado and also Col B who is making the very exciting journey across the pond on exchange. We also lose OZ who returns back to Australia however I have asked around and nobody seems to know who this OZ guy is despite apparently being on the squadron for years but good luck anyway. To replace these much loved members of the squadron, and OZ, we welcome back Baywatch from a 6 month deployment out of area and also student Course 23 join the mighty IV family.

Within the squadron, there have been some newly qualified instructors to the B Fit team. Hesso, Bret and Charlie have settled in nicely to the world of simulating and look forward to avoiding ground duties with the rest of the B Fit heroes. Several QFIs have also made the leap to C Fit to enable them to pass their knowledge on to future instructors. Old leather face managed to convince CFS that he should receive his B1 qualification and now walks around the squadron proud as punch. Well done Musky.

The squadron is in the midst of getting ready for a 2 week detachment to Orange, France which will allow us to push the current instructor course through and have them qualified ASAP. We have also been able to complete a couple of successful Night flying periods which also saw the Creamies gain a Night Instructional tick – the squadron is very proud of them. The forecoming winter may provide us with many weather issues as we are still operating from the short runway but we will continue to take advantage of the better weather until the inevitable happens.