Summer has finally arrived! Well, the air temperature has got into double digits and over at the Mighty IV (R) Squadron we are all looking forward to the sea following suit, when we will finally be able to get some respite from our immersion suits for a couple of months. April has seen a commendable amount of flying over at the Moran building, with not one, but two courses coming to the end of their time on the island of dreams (for now anyway). Course 18, featuring our first two students from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia along with the two Craigs, Whyatt and Allison, all completed the course and have all been sent to the Typhoon, we wish them all the best. At the time of writing the majority of course 19 have also finished and are eagerly awaiting news of their next posting. Will any of them be lucky enough to be selected for their raw skill and ability to remain as Creamies? Who knows…
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